Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Beginning

When you turn 50, whether or not you examine your life in detail and with satisfaction or regret, you do note the passage of time. When you hit 50, you begin to realize that your lifetime is finite. Things you've been intending to do "some day" have been put off for years, and who knows how many years you have left to put them off?

When I turned 50 this past year, I decided I was going to stop putting things off.

I've been talking about taking a road trip to the California coast and to visit Best Friends Animal Shelter, in Kanab, Utah, for years. On May 22, 2010, I am combining both destinations into one trip.

And I'm taking you with me.


  1. This sounds grand, I only wish I was on your route. Think it would be a bit of detour for you, though. I am now past fifty. Starting all that 'what's it all about, Alfie' pondering also. Wonder what thing I have been putting off will finally grab me by the throat and demand to be fulfilled?

    Looking forward to following you on your journey!

  2. Guess what, though - the California coast is just the first of many trips I hope to make. I want to do the East Coast, too! You may not be as far off my route as you might think - for another trip...

    I'm glad you're coming along for the ride!
